I have an ndarray that I want to print in scientific notation with rounding as part of a sentence, this is what I currently have
data_arr = np.array([12345, 12345])
print('This is the data ', *data_arr)
and the output is
This is the data 12345 12345
Is there a way to print in scientific notation, with rounding, preferably in one line, like below?
This is the data 1.2e+04 1.2e+04
String formating seems to be the way to go. Example:
data_arr = np.array([12345, 12345])
print('This is the data {:.1e} {:.1e}'.format(*data_arr))
prints what you're looking for. To adjust the number of figures after the dot to, for example, three, just change 1e
to 3e