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How can I set up App Check for my Android App in Flutter?

I'm trying to set up my App Check for my Android App with this guide:

Somehow I can't add the DebugMode because the Mainactivity instruction is too unclear for me. I created an "onCreate" function into this . The App could not even start. This is the file before I added all the lines like in the instruction:



public class MainActivity extends FlutterActivity {

Anyway, so I decided to go for the normal way:

  1. pub add firebase_app_check / pub get
  2. I added this lines before my runApp():
await FirebaseAppCheck.instance.activate(),
await FirebaseAppCheck.instance.setTokenAutoRefreshEnabled(true),
FirebaseAppCheck.instance.onTokenChange.listen((token) {
  1. Took my SHA256 Key (debug) from my gradle signingreport and set it to my App Check in Firebase

Now I call a function from my App and get these results:

From my App:

W/FirebaseContextProvider(17912): Error getting App Check token. Error: Too many attempts.

And from the firebase functions console:

Callable request verification passed {"verifications":{"auth":"VALID","app":"MISSING"}}

At this point I don't even know what to do next. Even if I can set up the DebugMode. When the app goes for production I will have the same errors right?


  • Had the problem again...

    It has to be on a physical phone. But this time a flutter clean helped.