I'm missing something fundamental with GetX and Firebase streams. The UI with the ListView doesn't get updated until a change occur in the UI (setState or somthing).
I got a TodoController with a RxList bound to a Firebase stream and a ListView to show all the todos. The ListView doesn't get updated.
builder: (_) => TodoListView(
todos: _.todos,
DB class
final FirebaseFirestore _firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
String uid = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!.uid;
return _firestore
.map((QuerySnapshot query) {
List<Todo> _todos = [];
for (var todoDoc in query.docs) {
return _todos;
Controller class
class TodoController extends GetxController {
final RxList<Todo> _todos = RxList<Todo>([]);
final TodosDB _db = TodosDB();
void onReady() {
List<Todo> get todos {
// to some fancy stuff... doesn't matter if I make
// use of .where or anything
return _todos;
Solved by changing GetBuilder
to GetX
GetBuilder is non-reactive while GetX is reactive
builder: (_) => TodoListView(
todos: _.todos,
To this instead
builder: (_) => TodoListView(
todos: _.todos,