I am using the Python and Pylance extensions in Visual Studio Code for the benefit of syntax highlighting, auto completion and code suggestions.
Whenever I save a file within the workspace, the linter automatically parses the file and makes corrections where necessary, in my case this also adds a large amount of unrequired new lines around my inline documentation.
Here is a demonstration of the above mentioned behaviour after a file is saved:
I have attempted to disable the Python Linter for VSC through numerous methods mentioned in other questions to no avail. Whenever I save a file within the workspace, the linter automatically parses the file and makes corrections where necessary, in my case this also adds a large amount of unrequired new lines around my inline documentation.
"python.linting.enabled": false,
"python.languageServer": "None",
"python.linting.ignorePatterns": [
The Linter setting is disabled within my VSC workspace and user settings:
What I don't understand additionally is that I have disabled Lint On Save
though this behaviour still persists:
I have confirmed this is definitely behaviour coming from the Pylance/Python extensions, when I disable them the issue goes away.
Turns out the setting editor.formatOnSave
in VSC does this globally for all languages and seems to have resolved automatic formatting.