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Get S3Client from storage facade in Laravel 9

I am trying to upgrade an S3 Multipart Uploader from Laravel 8 to Laravel 9 and have upgraded to Flysystem 3 as outlined in the documentation and have no dependency errors

I am having trouble getting access to the underlying S3Client to create a Multipart upload.

// Working in Laravel 8
// Laravel 9 throws exception on getAdapter()

$client = Storage::disk('s3')->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getClient();

// Underlying S3Client is used to create Multipart uploader as below
$bucket = config('filesystems.disks.s3.bucket');
$result = $client->createMultipartUpload([
    'Bucket' => $bucket,
    'Key' => $key,
    'ContentType' => 'image/jpeg',
    'ContentDisposition' => 'inline',

return response()
        'uploadId' => $result['UploadId'],
        'key' => $result['Key'],

Laravel 9, however, throws an exception Call to undefined method League\Flysystem\Filesystem::getAdapter().

I've looked over the source for League\Flysystem and updates to Laravel but can't seem to figure out the right way to work with the updates and get access to the underlying Aws\S3\S3Client.

My larger project is using a forked laravel-uppy-s3-multipart-upload library which can be seen here


  • This was discussed in this Flysystem AWS adapter github issue:

    A method is being added in Laravel, and will be released next Tuesday (February 22, 2022):


    The Laravel FilesystemAdapter base class is macroable, which means you could do this in your AppServiceProvider:

    Illuminate\Filesystem\AwsS3V3Adapter::macro('getClient', fn() => $this->client);

    Now you can call...


    ... and you will have an instance of the S3Client. (I love macros!)

    You can remove this macro once next Tuesday's release is available.