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Batch: read file from path

I want to read a .txt file using batch script. Each line should be stored in a variable.

My problem: I have to give the command a file path to the .txt file. Unfortunately this hasn't worked so far. The solution is probably very simple, but I haven't found it yet.

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ("%FilePath%backup\packs.txt") do (
  Set /a count+=1
  Set url[!count!]=%%a

echo %url[2]%


  • for /f loops can process three different types of data - files, strings, and commands. Each of these is indicated differently when you call the for command.

    A file is processed by not using quotes in the set area: for /f %%A in (file.txt) do (
    A command is processed by using single quotes: for /f %%A in ('find "abc" file.txt') do (
    A string is processed by using double quotes: for /f %%A in ("hello world") do (

    Of course, sometimes you need to process a file with a space in the path, and that's when you'd use the usebackq option. This option will still process all three types of data, but the indicators will be different.

    A file is processed by using double quotes: for /f "usebackq" %%A in ("some file.txt") do (
    A command is processed by using backticks: for /f "usebackq" %%A in (`find "don't" file.txt`) do (
    A string is processed by using single quotes: for /f "usebackq" %%A in ('19^" screen') do (

    Either removing the quotes from your file path or adding the usebackq option will set the variables for you.

    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set "FilePath=.\test_path\"
    set "count=0"
    for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in ("%FilePath%backup\packs.txt") do (
        set /a count+=1
        set "url[!count!]=%%A"
    echo %url[2]%