Search code examples

Is it possible to add the contact to the users address book by scaning QR Code?

My app can generate QRCode. I want to share it with another person. Is it possible to generate QRCode with some user information? And when somebody scan it then it will save in user address book.


  • There's something called vCard format and I think that this could help you.

    Here's a small example:

    name = 'Carlos Sainz'
    phone = 'xxxxxxxxx'
    string_for_qr = f"BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:2.1\nFN:{name}\nTEL;CELL:{phone}\nEND:VCARD" 

    If you create a QR code with the string "string_for_qr" then when you scan the QR code your phone will display the information with the option of save. Sorry for my poor english.