I want to plot my all dataframess 'oran' column with using subplot.
data contains 'oran' column.
Here is my code;
fig, axes = plt.subplots(6,2, figsize=(20,20))
for ax in axes:
for month in dftm.month_base_valor.unique():
temp = dftm[dftm.month_base_valor.eq(month)]
But this code gives me the error 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'get_figure'
I couldn't find the way to solve this problem. How can i avoid this error?
The first 5 row of the dataset
month_base_valor aylık_total valor_tarihi gunluk_total oran year
0 2017-01 11111.50 20170102 11111.37 0.00 2017
1 2017-01 11111.50 20170103 11111.66 0.00 2017
2 2017-01 11111.50 20170104 11111.97 0.00 2017
3 2017-01 11111.50 20170105 11111.09 0.01 2017
4 2017-01 11111.50 20170106 11111.74 0.01 2017
The problem is that axes
is a 2-dimensional array (shape (6,2)
The loop for ax in axes: ...
selects 1d arrays (shape (2,)
) out of it. Passing this array as ax
-kwarg to temp.oran.plot(ax=ax)
results in the respective error.
Using for ax in axes.flat: ...
should work.