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Vue - Is it fine to store a value in session storage rigth from the main.js file?

So I have a session storage value set to false that I need to keep track of for the user session that is managed by Vuex. I set up the value right from the main.js file as such:

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import router from './router';
import axios from 'axios';
import store from './store'

sessionStorage.setItem('session', false);

App.prototype.$http = axios

And I was wondering whether it was ok to do it as such right from main.js file or if vuzI should do it elsewhere, such as in App.vue.

Thanks in advance


  • that's ok,the code runs well, you can use sessionStorage.setItem anywhere,because this is a synchronous method. if it goes badly, there must be something wrong with the logic of the code, i need more clues.