I'm trying to add the new child node(ValidationError) to the existing xml payload using the below dataweave code:
%dw 2.0
var errormessage = "Rating Service Exception Error. Please contact support."
output application/xml writeDeclaration=false
DTOApplication : payload.DTOApplication ++ { ValidationError @(TypeCd: "Validation", Name: "Rate Service Exception Error", Msg: errormessage, SubTypeCd: "ERROR") :null}
The ValidationError child node appends perfectly, but the attribute values of the root node DTOApplication are missing.
Input payload: https://github.com/Manikandan99/Map_request/blob/main/request_payload.xml
Expected response: https://github.com/Manikandan99/Map_request/blob/main/Expected_response.xml
The new child node is ValidationError :
<ValidationError TypeCd="Validation" Name="Rate Service Exception Error" Msg="Rating Service Exception Error. Please contact support." SubTypeCd="ERROR"/>
Any ideas please on how to append ValidationError child node to existing payload without missing the attribute values of DTOApplication using dataweave 2.0?
Could you Please try below code, its giving expected output
%dw 2.0
var errormessage = "Rating Service Exception Error. Please contact support."
output application/xml writeDeclaration=true
payload mapObject ((value, key, index) ->
(key): value ++ {
ValidationError @(TypeCd: "Validation", Name: "Rate Service Exception Error", Msg: errormessage, SubTypeCd: "ERROR"): null