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Can one store a value indexed by a string in the IO monad?

I want to use custom ManagerSettings to build a custom Network.Wreq.Session. I modify from the defaultManagerSettings both managerRawConnection and managerModifyRequest.

I want managerModifyRequest to use a configuration value known at runtime from a file. As I do a lot of requests, I would rather not make a lot of syscalls to get the configuration value from the file.

I find the type managerModifyRequest :: Request -> IO Request to be problematic. How can I use a configuration value if it is not possible to get it from the parameters?

I thought about IORefs and MVars to store the value in memory, but I should be able to pass said IORef or MVar to the function somehow...


  • I am not familiar with the library, but I guess you need to write something like this:

    -- pseudocode
    foo = do
       -- create the IORef here
       r <- newIORef "hello"
       let settings = defaultManagerSettings{
              managerModifyRequest = \req -> do
                 -- use the IORef here
                 s <- readIORef r
                 putStrLn s
                 writeIORef r (s ++ "!!")
                 return req
       use settings

    You don't need to pass the IORef as an additional argument to managerModifyRequest , you need to define that Request -> IO Request function in the scope where the IORef is available.

    Alternatively, use an helper function with the additional argument, and then partially apply it with the IORef:

    -- pseudocode
    foo = do
       -- create the IORef here
       r <- newIORef "hello"
       let settings = defaultManagerSettings{
              managerModifyRequest = myManager r
       use settings
    myManager :: IORef String -> Request -> IO Request
    myManager r req = do
       -- use the IORef here
       s <- readIORef r
       putStrLn s
       writeIORef r (s ++ "!!")
       return req