The goal is to draw bijective graphs with dashed connections between G1 and G2.
I have two node sets g1 and g2.
g1.nodes = NodeView((0, 1, 2))
g2.nodes = NodeView(('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'))
They are connected by edges:
g1.edges = EdgeView([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)])
g2.edges = EdgeView([('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('a', 'e'), ('b', 'c'), ('b', 'd'), ('b', 'e'), ('c', 'd'), ('c', 'e')])
Here is code to get to the above step:
import string
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
g1, g2 = nx.Graph(), nx.Graph()
g1.add_nodes_from([0, 1, 2])
tmp = [i for i in range(0, 5)]
tmp = np.array(list(string.ascii_lowercase))[tmp]
g1.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)])
g2.add_edges_from([('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('a', 'e'), ('b', 'c'), ('b', 'd'), ('b', 'e'), ('c', 'd'), ('c', 'e')])
We can visualize:
figure(figsize = (10, 10))
G = nx.grid_2d_graph(4, 4)
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, iterations=100, seed=39775)
draw(g1, with_labels = True)
draw(g2, with_labels = True
I want to draw dashed edges between selected u in G1 to selected v in G2, while keeping the bipartite layout and connections of respective G1 and G2.
Here is my attempt so far:
# create new graph H
H = nx.Graph()
# add existing nodes and edges
H.add_nodes_from(g1.nodes, bipartite = 0)
H.add_nodes_from(g2.nodes, bipartite = 1)
new = [(0, 'd'), (1, 'c'), (2, 'b')]
H.add_edges_from(new, style = 'dashed')
draw_networkx(H, pos = nx.drawing.layout.bipartite_layout(H, g1.nodes), width = 2, style = 'dashed')
Keeping G1 and G2 structures, similar to the first set of plots above, is the issue. Adding pre-existing edges produces the following unexpecting output.
draw_networkx(H, pos = nx.drawing.layout.bipartite_layout(H, g1.nodes), width = 2, style = 'dashed')
What I want is the dashed lines between [(0, 'd'), (1, 'c'), (2, 'b')], while keeping the G1 and G2 bipartite layout, and respective edge structures, from the first image.
You need to retrieve the pos dict for each graph and then can move it freely around (shifting the coordinates). Then you can easily add the dashed edges:
import string
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
g1, g2 = nx.Graph(), nx.Graph()
g1.add_nodes_from([0, 1, 2])
tmp = [i for i in range(0, 5)]
tmp = np.array(list(string.ascii_lowercase))[tmp]
g1.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)])
g2.add_edges_from([('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('a', 'e'), ('b', 'c'), ('b', 'd'), ('b', 'e'), ('c', 'd'), ('c', 'e')])
pos_1 = nx.spring_layout(g1)
pos_2 = nx.spring_layout(g2)
# shift pos_2
for node in g2:
pos_2[node][0] += 3
# draw original graphs
nx.draw(g1, pos_1, with_labels=True)
nx.draw(g2, pos_2, with_labels=True)
# add dashed lines
H = nx.Graph()
new = [(0, 'd'), (1, 'c'), (2, 'b')]
H.add_edges_from(new, style='dashed')
nx.draw_networkx(H, pos=dict(pos_1, **pos_2), width=2, style='dashed')