Currently I am plotting the graph with two data plots(two lines on the graph), when I click on one line "indexOfVisiblePointClosestToPlotAreaPoint" method giving me right index and other one throwing me wrong one, not even closest visible one its skipping/jumping multiple points in between. Ex: if I click on index number 20 it jumps to 15 or 25 vice versa. Here is the calculation to find the index
NSUInteger dataCount = self.cachedDataCount;
CGPoint *viewPoints = calloc(dataCount, sizeof(CGPoint));
BOOL *drawPointFlags = calloc(dataCount, sizeof(BOOL));
[self calculatePointsToDraw:drawPointFlags forPlotSpace:(CPTXYPlotSpace *)self.plotSpace includeVisiblePointsOnly:YES numberOfPoints:dataCount];
[self calculateViewPoints:viewPoints withDrawPointFlags:drawPointFlags numberOfPoints:dataCount];
NSInteger result = [self extremeDrawnPointIndexForFlags:drawPointFlags numberOfPoints:dataCount extremeNumIsLowerBound:YES];
if ( result != NSNotFound ) {
CGFloat minimumDistanceSquared = CPTNAN;
for ( NSUInteger i = (NSUInteger)result; i < dataCount; ++i ) {
if ( drawPointFlags[i] ) {
CGFloat distanceSquared = squareOfDistanceBetweenPoints(viewPoint, viewPoints[i]);
if ( isnan(minimumDistanceSquared) || (distanceSquared < minimumDistanceSquared)) {
minimumDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;
result = (NSInteger)i;
return (NSUInteger)result;
Are you checking the plot
parameter passed in the delegate method? The touch will register on the frontmost plot if there are any points within the plotSymbolMarginForHitDetection
. It won't even check the other plot unless nothing hits on the front one. With two lines close together like that, you'll need to use a small hit margin to make sure touches register on the right plot.