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Insert data into a table from Open Query with variable

I am trying to using OPENQUERY to pull some data into a table. Here's what my code looks like:


  DECLARE @OracleData TABLE  (Cd VARCHAR(20), ApptDATE Datetime )
  INSERT INTO @OracleData(Cd,ApptDATE )

  SELECT  @TSQL = 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(LinkedServer,''Select p.Cd, p.AppDate
                                                        from ta.table1 p 
                                                        where p.IdCode = ''''' + @CD + ''''''')'


I end up with the following error:

An INSERT statement cannot contain a SELECT statement that assigns values to a variable.

When I attempt to run the EXEC(@TSQL) without the INSERT it works like a charm, but I am unable to do an insert.

Any ideas how I can possibly resolve this? Thanks.


  • You are doing this the wrong way round.

    Don't insert the @TSQL variable into your table, set the variable, then insert the results using INSERT...EXEC...

    DECLARE @TSQL nvarchar(max) = '
    SELECT *
    FROM OPENQUERY(LinkedServer,
      ''Select p.Cd, p.AppDate
        from ta.table1 p 
        where p.IdCode = ''''' + @CD + ''''''')
    INSERT INTO @OracleData (Cd, ApptDATE)
    EXEC (@TSQL);

    I'm sure there is an excellent reason you are not just using a straight Linked Server query without dynamic SQL, but I can't think of one.