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Can't pass through "" to powershell using ProcessStartInfo arguments, C#

I'm unable to pass through an argument to powershell which contains "". When I use the equivalent code but change the application to cmd the "" are able to pass through.

The argument I'd like powershell to execute is:

Copy-Item -Path "{Working Directory}\W11F-assets\" -Destination "C:\\Windows\W11F-assets" -Recurse

This is the code that's calling that function:

    ProcessStartInfo movefile = new ProcessStartInfo("powershell.exe");
    string flocation = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
    movefile.UseShellExecute = true;
    movefile.Arguments = "Copy-Item -Path \"" + flocation + "\\W11F-assets\" -Destination \"C:\\Windows\\W11F-assets\" -Recurse";


  • Was able to solve issue by replacing \" with '.