I have a class that contains as follow
public class foo
public long id= 0;
public char[] TestId = new char[25];// new char[25];
public char[] GUID = new char[64]; //new char[64];
public char[] sign = new char[61];//new char[61];
public int DemandDate = 0;
public int CompleteDate = 0;
public int DownloadDate = 0;
static public void WriteFile(string fileName, List<ClientInfo> list)
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create))
using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8, false))
foreach(ClientInfo ci in list)
WriteClientInfo(writer, offset, ociv);
offset += header.recordSize;
private static void WriteClientInfo(BinaryWriter writer, int offset, ClientInfo ci)
writer.Write(ci.TestId, 0, 25);
writer.Write(ci.GUID, 0, 64 );
writer.Write(ci.Sign, 0, 61);
catch (Exception ex)
when I serialize this ci.TestId will crash, stating that the index is out of range. I know that the value in ci.TestId = FD3394, but I need to be able to save the length of 25 char, not the actual length of the ci.TestId. Because I read this structure from a program that is written in C++, and it has to be the exact size, of the length of the char in the definition, not what is used. I modify it in C# but needs to be read back in C++ as well.
You can use the PadLeft() or PadRight() method like this
TestId = TestId.PadLeft(25);
The left side will be filled with spaces.
You have to convert it to a string and then re-convert it to char[]
TestId = _testId.PadLeft(25).ToCharArray();