I've upgraded to serverless 3, running typescript. There is a type match error in the serverless configuration files since.
Partially my serverless.ts file is
const serverlessConfiguration: Serverless = {
service: 'hello',
frameworkVersion: '3',
useDotenv: true,
plugins: ['serverless-webpack', 'serverless-domain-manager', 'serverless-iam-roles-per-function', 'serverless-certificate-creator'],
provider: {
name: 'aws',
runtime: 'nodejs14.x',
region: 'ap-southeast-2',
apiGateway: {
minimumCompressionSize: 1024,
shouldStartNameWithService: true,
environment: {
functions: {hello},
custom: {
There is something wrong with the schema of hello/index.ts file is
import schema from './schema';
import { handlerPath } from '@libs/handlerResolver';
export default {
handler: `${handlerPath(__dirname)}/handler.main`,
events: [
http: {
method: 'post',
path: 'hello',
private: false,
request: {
schemas: {
'application/json': schema
I've read that http.request.schema has been replaced by http.request.schemas
The error message I'm getting is
Type '{ schemas: { 'application/json': { readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: { readonly name: { readonly type: "string"; }; }; readonly required: readonly ["name"]; }; }; }' has no properties in common with type 'HttpRequestValidation'.
The package @types/serverless has the wrong specification
Remove this package
npm remove @types/serverless
Add the serverless typescript package
npm i -D @serverless/typescript
Change the import in serverless.ts from
import type {Serverless} from 'serverless/aws';
import type {AWS} from "@serverless/typescript";
Make sure that index.ts has scheams and not schema.
The final index.ts file is as above