In my
I have written:
example.requestTimeoutExpression = 60000
example.replyTimeoutExpression = 60000
But how do I use this when I configure the MessagingGateway?
public interface ExampleGateway {
requestChannel = "exampleInput",
replyChannel = "exampleOutput",
requestTimeoutExpression = "???",
replyTimeoutExpression = "???"
Object send(Object request);
None of these work:
While the provided solutions seem to help me with my original question. The timeout has no effect. I'm clearly misunderstanding something. This seems to have effect:
public IntegrationFlow exampleFlow(
@Value("${example.remoteTimeout}") long remoteTimeout
) {
return IntegrationFlows.from("exampleInput")
.handle(Tcp.outboundGateway(Tcp.nioClient(host, port)
Properties are not currently supported there; please open a new feature issue on GitHub; here is a work around:
Long reqTimeout(@Value("${example.requestTimeoutExpression}") Long to) {
return to;
Long repTimeout(@Value("${example.replyTimeoutExpression}") Long to) {
return to;
interface ExampleGateway {
requestChannel = "nullChannel",
replyChannel = "exampleOutput",
requestTimeoutExpression = "@reqTimeout",
replyTimeoutExpression = "@repTimeout"
Object send(Object request);