I have a problem with using --dns-servers flag in az cli. When I try to update more than one DNS server it gets broken
az network vnet update \
--name $VNET_name \
--subscription $SUBSCRIPTION \
--resource-group $RGRP_name \
--dns-servers "${LOCATION[3]} ${LOCATION[4]}"
the output:
IP address is not valid ''
The MS documentation says:
Space-separated list of DNS server IP addresses.
ok, figured it out somehow. if you use those vars stright away without closing them withing quotation marks it all works
. ./location_arrays
declare -n LOCATION='EM21'
az network vnet create \
--name $VNET_name \
--subscription $SUBSCRIPTION \
--resource-group $RGRP_name \
--location ${LOCATION[2]} \
--dns-servers ${LOCATION[-2]} ${LOCATION[-1]}