I would like to know if there is any way to implement a sequential counter without using a list by intervals. I'm trying to implement the following: at the end of each tick is counting the population size (NFinal). And then, we would check the constancy of the population, through a subtraction (the logical test would be the result of this subtraction is equal to zero during 3 consecutive ticks?).
For example:
NFinal of tick 0 - NFinal of tick 1 = 0
NFinal of tick 1 - NFinal of tick 2 = 0
NFinal of tick 2 - NFinal of tick 3 = 0
If this is the scenario (with 3 sequential values equal to zero), the simulation will stop.
However, if it is in the scenario:
NFinal of tick 0 - NFinal of tick 1 = 0
NFinal of tick 1 - NFinal of tick 2 = 0
NFinal of tick 2 - NFinal of tick 3 = 2
The simulation does not stop (since it did not have 3 zero values in sequence) and therefore would reset the counter to continue the simulation.
However what I managed to implement was by intervals using list. I don't know if it's the best way. Well, every time I use the list my model is getting slower. Is there a simpler way to implement this?
Thanks in advance!
Attempt below:
globals [ StabilityList ConstanceInterval ]
to go
if ConstanceInterval = 0 [ stop ]
to StabilityCheckerProc
set StabilityList lput 1 StabilityList ;; 1 = NFinal
let i 3 ;;
if length StabilityList >= i
let t1 last StabilityList
let start ( length StabilityList - i )
let t0 item start StabilityList
set ConstanceInterval abs ( t1 - t0 )
set StabilityList get-last i StabilityList
to-report get-last [ num lst ]
let b length lst
let a b - num
report sublist lst ( ifelse-value ( a < 0 ) [ 0 ] [ a ] ) b
You could use a counter to track the number of occurrences in a row, such that if your condition is satisfied you increase the counter, and if it is not you reset the counter. For example:
globals [ zero-tracker ]
to setup
to go
let variable-placeholder random 5
ifelse variable-placeholder = 0 [
; If a zero is recorded (eg, the result of your subtraction operation,
; increase the zero-tracker by one
set zero-tracker zero-tracker + 1
] [
; If anything BUT a zero is recorded, reset the zero-tracker
set zero-tracker 0
if zero-tracker = 3 [