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Create laravel api with page and limit results

I want to create an api with limit and page number, I am trying to use the api to load more data on scroll in my app.

Question 1: How can I limit the result, per each page.

For example

The URL above the page=2 show the second page with results=10 10 fetch result for page 2, same thing for page 3 with 10 result.

My Code

public function allUser(Request $request)
    $pageno = $request->pageno;
    return Users::where('active', 'online')


  • Laravel's Pagination already handles limit and offset by passing the number of records you'd like per-page, and by examining the page=X query string parameter. So, you can rewrite your code as follows:

    public function allUser(Request $request) {
      return Users::where('active', 'online')->paginate($request->input('results', 10));

    You'll likely want to provide some validation too, to prevent bad actors from messing with your results parameter:

    public function allUser(Request $request) {
      $perPage = $request->input('results', 10);
      if (!is_numeric($perPage)) {
        $perPage = 10;
      return Users::where('active', 'online')->paginate($perPage);