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How to incress footer height in pdfmake

I am using pdfmake and I would like to incress the height of the footer of my pdf.

I have this code for the footer so far

  footer: function (currentPage, pageCount) {
    return {
      height: 40,
      table: {
        widths: ['*', 100],
        body: [
            { text: 'some information', alignment: 'center', fontSize: 9, },
            { text: 'some more information', alignment: 'center', fontSize: 9, },
            { text: 'and even more information', alignment: 'center', fontSize: 9, },
            [{ text: 'Page ' + pageCount, alignment: 'right', margin: [5], fontSize: 5, }]
      layout: 'noBorders'

I have added a height property that I have set to 40 when I set it to a heigher number for example 80 it has no effect on the height of the footer how can I fix this issue tank you for your help.


  • I was able to have a larger footer by change the page margins by addeding this line

      pageMargins: [40, 80, 40, 60],

    like so under my document definition

    let docDefinition = {
      pageSize: 'LEGAL',
      pageMargins: [40, 80, 40, 60],