I want to create a chat app which would use php/codeigniter to do the views and user interface. I've been reading lots of posts on stackoverflow which recommended node.js or socket.io. Yet I've also run across APE(Ajax Push Engine). I don't really know much about either and was wondering which to use.
I read up on node.js and saw lots of good things about it, but the major thing about it that worries me is that it's relatively new and doesn't have lots of real world websites testing/using it.
On the other hand, APE does. And it looks similar to node.js. But like I said, I don't know enough about either to know which one to choose.
Which one is better at creating a chat app?
Like you, I'm not familiar with APE, however socket.io on node.js comes with a chat app as it's main example app.
True, there aren't a lot of sites using Node.js right now. Socket.io, however, is probably considered Node's 'Killer App', and thus has relatively a lot of talk/work done with it.
I'm presuming APE has stable APIs, though, which socket.io might not necessarily have - The 0.7 version was a pretty broad, API-changing update, for example. This might happen less often with the publication of the socket.io spec.