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Microsoft Graph API To Do List Call (Cannot Convert ITodoListCollectionPage to Todo)

I am creating a .Net Core application in which a user can login/logout with their microsoft 365 account and also view their Task Lists/Tasks via the Microsoft Graph API. I am currently trying to request the list via the API using.


 [AuthorizeForScopes(ScopeKeySection = "DownstreamApi:Scopes")]
        public async Task<IActionResult> Tasks()
            User currentUser = null;
            Todo currentLists = null;

                currentUser = await _graphServiceClient.Me.Request().GetAsync();
                currentLists = await _graphServiceClient.Me.Todo.Lists.Request().GetAsync();

            catch (ServiceException svcex) when (svcex.Message.Contains("Continuous access evaluation resulted in claims challenge"))
                    string claimChallenge = WwwAuthenticateParameters.GetClaimChallengeFromResponseHeaders(svcex.ResponseHeaders);
                    _consentHandler.ChallengeUser(_graphScopes, claimChallenge);
                    return new EmptyResult();
                catch (Exception ex2)

            ViewData["Me"] = currentUser;
            ViewData["Lists"] = currentLists;
            return View();

However this throws an issue where

currentLists = await _graphServiceClient.Me.Todo.Lists.Request().GetAsync();

Cannot convert to the Todo type in order for me to then use the data on the following cshtml page

@using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
    ViewData["Title"] = "User Profile fetched from MS Graph";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
<br />
<br />

<table class="table table-striped table-condensed" style="font-family: monospace" border="1">
            var lists = ViewData["lists"] as Microsoft.Graph.TodoTaskList;

Where converting currentLists to the type suggested "ITodoListCollectionsPage" causes the web application to now allow access to the data requested.

How can I fix this and call the Microsoft Graph API to get the Todo Task Lists and output that correctly


  • await _graphServiceClient.Me.Todo.Lists.Request().GetAsync(); returns ITodoListCollectionsPage.

    You need to iterate through all pages and get all ToDo task lists.

    var currentLists = new List<TodoTaskList>();
    var todoListsPage = await _graphServiceClient.Me.Todo.Lists.Request().GetAsync();
    while (todoListsPage.NextPageRequest != null)
        todoLists = await todoListsPage.NextPageRequest.GetAsync();

    If you want to get todo tasks you need to make another request for each TodoTaskList in List<TodoTaskList>

    Only example how to get todo tasks:

    var todoTasksDict = new Dictionary<string, List<TodoTask>>();
    foreach (var todoList in currentLists)
        var todoTasks = new List<TodoTask>();
        var todoTasksPage = await client.Me.Todo.Lists[todoList.Id].Tasks.Request().GetAsync();
        while (todoTasksPage.NextPageRequest != null)
            todoTasksPage = await todoTasksPage.NextPageRequest.GetAsync();
        todoTasksDict[todoList.DisplayName] = todoTasks;

    I don't know how do you want to display todo task lists and related todo tasks but you will need to modify your views.