Im building some trees within Rich. However Im outputting obj repr() and also Python object details that Rich only seems to want to display if I pass the data to the tree branch as a string. i.e.
tree = Tree(str(type(root_obj)))
My question is this out can i colourize the output of my tree in Rich. For example if I pass a type to the tree without casting it to a string I get:
tree = Tree(type(root_obj))
rich.errors.NotRenderableError: Unable to render <class 'nornir.core.task.AggregatedResult'>; A str, Segment or object with __rich_console__ method is required
But not sure what console method to use here. Any help would be great. Thanks.
You can highlight text via a Rich highlighter. The ReprHighlighter will highlight the strings produces from most objects. Import it like this:
from rich.highlighter import ReprHighlighter
highlighter = ReprHighlighter()
Now you can highlight strings in the following way:
tree = Tree(highlighter(str(root_obj)))
Alternatively, you can use Rich's pretty printing capabilities via the rich.pretty.Pretty
from rich.pretty import Pretty
tree = Tree(Pretty(rich_obj))