Environment Opscenter6.8 RHEL8 on GCP
When building a new cluster in Opscenter's "Lifecycle Manager", after adding a node and starting the installation, I get
"The ssh-private-key value on machine-credential 'user-name' is not a property formatted private key"
is displayed.
I have already added the user and set up the password and private key in RHEL8, and I can make SSH connection from Opscenter server to the node.
Is there any possible cause?
Without seeing the configuration details and the full error message in the logs, the most likely cause of the issue you're seeing is that there was a mistake in the cut-and-paste when you added the private key in the LCM web UI.
Check the private key again from the source and compare it with what you have added to LCM and replace the saved private key as appropriate.
If that still doesn't work, I would follow Madhavan's advice and log a ticket with DataStax Support. Cheers!