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How to use min value with type datetime in Cerberus?

I want validate a field with one value greater or equal 01/01/1900 in type datetime in Cerberus, but not works this way:

from cerberus import Validator 
from datetime import datetime
v = Validator()
schema = {
    "birthdate": {
        "type": "datetime",
        "required": True,
        "min": datetime(1900, 1, 1)
document_valid = {'birthdate': '05/03/1900'}
document_invalid = {'birthdate': '05/03/1800'}

print(v.validate(document_valid, schema)) # I want this True
print(v.validate(document_invalid, schema)) # I want this False

Anyone could help me?

I'm using this version to Cerberus: Cerberus==1.3.4


  • Your approach is not false, just missing a decisive component - which is to account for the date-format.

    try this:

    from cerberus import Validator 
    from datetime import datetime   
    v = Validator()
    to_date = lambda s: datetime.strptime(s, '%d/%m/%Y') # date-formatting
    schema = {
        "birthdate": {
            "type": "datetime",
            "required": True,
            'coerce': to_date,
            "min": datetime(1900, 1, 1)
    document_valid = {'birthdate': '05/03/1900'}
    document_invalid = {'birthdate': '05/03/1800'}
    print(v.validate(document_valid, schema)) # I want this True
    print(v.validate(document_invalid, schema)) # I want this False