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PostgreSQL: Browsing built-in schemas in pgAdmin UI

PostgreSQL comes with below built-in schemas

postgres=# select catalog_name, schema_name, schema_owner
postgres-# from information_schema.schemata
postgres-# order by schema_name;
 catalog_name |    schema_name     | schema_owner
 postgres     | information_schema | postgres
 postgres     | pg_catalog         | postgres
 postgres     | pg_toast           | postgres
 postgres     | public             | postgres
(4 rows)

EDB Postgres Advanced Server has 4 additional ones

postgres=# select catalog_name, schema_name, schema_owner
postgres-# from information_schema.schemata
postgres-# order by schema_name;
 catalog_name |    schema_name     | schema_owner
 postgres     | information_schema | enterprisedb
 postgres     | pg_catalog         | enterprisedb
 postgres     | pg_temp_1          | enterprisedb
 postgres     | pg_toast           | enterprisedb
 postgres     | pg_toast_temp_1    | enterprisedb
 postgres     | public             | enterprisedb
 postgres     | sys                | enterprisedb
(7 rows)

In particular I'm interested in information_schema and sys schemas but they are not visible in object browser.

I presume that might be an issue with permission or with connection settings or with something else...

Is there any way to make those schemas visible in object browser along with corresponding objects?


  • They are under the catalogs section

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