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I have a problem trying to put single quotes around a text

I have a password that has special character with an exclamation point.


I'd like to put single quotes around it. This password is fetched and saved to a variable.

$mypass=`fetchpwd $sourceserver $loginacct`;

print "My password is: $mypass\n";

The return looks like this

My Password is 'ABcD!987zyz12388

The end single quote went on the next line. How can I have the last single quote right after the last 8 to something like this 'ABcD!987zyz12388'


  • Use chomp to remove the newline character which is added by your fetchpwd command. Do this before you add single quotes.

    $mypass=`fetchpwd $sourceserver $loginacct`;
    chomp $mypass;
    print "My password is: $mypass\n";