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Translating java DFS algorithm code to Dart

I've been doing some research to find a suitable algorithm for suggesting friends. I came across DFS, but I've never implemented it in Dart before. Could someone please help me t translate it into Dart? Below is the java code:

public class SuggestFriendsDFS<T> {

    private HashMap<T, ArrayList<T>> adj = new HashMap<>(); //graph
    private List<Set<T>> groups = new ArrayList<>();

    public void addFriendship(T src, T dest) {
        adj.putIfAbsent(src, new ArrayList<T>());
        adj.putIfAbsent(dest, new ArrayList<T>());

    //V is total number of people, E is number of connections
    private void findGroups() {
        Map<T, Boolean> visited = new HashMap<>();
        for (T t: adj.keySet())
            visited.put(t, false);
        for (T t:adj.keySet()) {
            if (!visited.get(t)) {
                Set<T> group = new HashSet<>();
                dfs(t, visited, group);

    //DFS + memoization
    private void dfs(T v, Map<T, Boolean> visited, Set<T> group ) {
        for (T x : adj.get(v)) {
            if (!visited.get(x))
                dfs(x, visited, group);

    public Set<T> getSuggestedFriends (T a) {
        if (groups.isEmpty())
        Set<T> res = new HashSet<>();
        for (Set<T> t : groups) {
            if (t.contains(a)) {
                res = t;
        if (res.size() > 0)
        return res;

I'm aware it's too much to ask, but any help will be much appreciated as I tried to translate it and ended up getting loads of errors. Thanks in advance!(: For reference, this is where I found the explanation for the java code.


  • I tried that does automatic Java to Dart conversion but it doesn't work well as soon as the code is a bit complex.

    See the full conversion below, you can try it in Dartpad

    import 'dart:collection';
    class SuggestFriendsDFS<T> {
      final HashMap<T, List<T>> _adj = HashMap(); //graph
      final List<Set<T>> groups = [];
      //Time O(1), Space O(1)
      void addFriendship(T src, T dest) {
        _adj.putIfAbsent(src, () => <T>[]);
        _adj.putIfAbsent(dest, () => <T>[]);
      //DFS wrapper, Time O(V+E), Space O(V)
      //V is total number of people, E is number of connections
      void findGroups() {
        Map<T, bool> visited = HashMap();
        for (T t in _adj.keys) {
          visited[t] = false;
        for (T t in _adj.keys) {
          if (visited[t] == false) {
            Set<T> group = HashSet();
            _dfs(t, visited, group);
      //DFS + memoization, Time O(V+E), Space O(V)
      void _dfs(T v, Map<T, bool> visited, Set<T> group) {
        visited[v] = true;
        for (T x in _adj[v] ?? []) {
          if ((visited[x] ?? true) == false) _dfs(x, visited, group);
      //Time O(V+E), Space O(V)
      Set<T> getSuggestedFriends(T a) {
        if (groups.isEmpty) findGroups();
        var result = groups.firstWhere((element) => element.contains(a),
            orElse: () => <T>{});
        if (result.isNotEmpty) result.remove(a);
        return result;
    void main() {
      SuggestFriendsDFS<String> g = SuggestFriendsDFS();
      g.addFriendship("Ashley", "Christopher");
      g.addFriendship("Ashley", "Emily");
      g.addFriendship("Ashley", "Joshua");
      g.addFriendship("Bart", "Lisa");
      g.addFriendship("Bart", "Matthew");
      g.addFriendship("Christopher", "Andrew");
      g.addFriendship("Emily", "Joshua");
      g.addFriendship("Jacob", "Christopher");
      g.addFriendship("Jessica", "Ashley");
      g.addFriendship("JorEl", "Zod");
      g.addFriendship("KalEl", "JorEl");
      g.addFriendship("Kyle", "Lex");
      g.addFriendship("Kyle", "Zod");
      g.addFriendship("Lisa", "Marge");
      g.addFriendship("Matthew", "Lisa");
      g.addFriendship("Michael", "Christopher");
      g.addFriendship("Michael", "Joshua");
      g.addFriendship("Michael", "Jessica");
      g.addFriendship("Samantha", "Matthew");
      g.addFriendship("Samantha", "Tyler");
      g.addFriendship("Sarah", "Andrew");
      g.addFriendship("Sarah", "Christopher");
      g.addFriendship("Sarah", "Emily");
      g.addFriendship("Tyler", "Kyle");
      g.addFriendship("Stuart", "Jacob");
      String name = "Andrew";
      print("Suggestion friends of " +
          name +
          ": " +