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why doesn't "break" stop a while loop (Python)

So I was doing a blackjack program. Everything was working until I got this:

Your cards:  [2, 4] 
Total:  6
Chose your next move: stand

Dealer's cards:  [5]
Your cards:  [2, 4, 10] 
Total:  16
Chose your next move: stand

Dealer's cards:  [5]
Your cards:  [2, 4, 10, 10] 
Total:  26 

The loop is supposed to break when move == stand I think it's the break function, but there is a high chance I messed something else up. Here's the bit of code I think is messing up:

while player_cards_total < 21:
  player_cards_total = sum(player_cards)
  dealer_cards_total = sum(dealer_cards)
  if player_cards_total > 20:
    print('\n\n//////////////////////////\nDealer\'s cards: ', dealer_cards)
    print('Your cards: ', player_cards,'\nTotal: ', player_cards_total, '\n//////////////////////////')
  move = get_move()
  if move == 'hit':

The while loop is an individual loop, and not a inner loop

Here's the whole code

import time

Ace = 11
Jack = 10
Queen = 10
King = 10

cards = [Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King]

Ace_21 = False
player_bal = 0
dealer_bal = 0
player_cards = []
dealer_cards = []
player_cards_total = 0
dealer_cards_total = 0
card = ''
move = ''
moves = 0

def get_card():
  return(int(cards[random.randrange(1, 13)]))

dealer_cards =  [get_card(),]
player_cards = [get_card(), get_card()]
player_cards_total = sum(player_cards)

def get_move():
  if moves == 0:
    print('\nDealer\'s cards: ', dealer_cards)
    print('Your cards: ', player_cards,'\nTotal: ', player_cards_total)
  move = input('Chose your next move: ')
  if move == 'h' or 'Hit':
    move = 'hit'
  elif move == 's' or 'Stand':
    move = 'stand'

while player_cards_total < 21:
  player_cards_total = sum(player_cards)
  dealer_cards_total = sum(dealer_cards)
  if player_cards_total > 20:
    print('\n\n//////////////////////////\nDealer\'s cards: ', dealer_cards)
    print('Your cards: ', player_cards,'\nTotal: ', player_cards_total, '\n//////////////////////////')
  move = get_move()
  if move == 'hit':

if player_cards_total > 21:
   print('You lose!!!')
elif player_cards_total == 21:
  print('Great job, you win')
  print('DEALER\'S TURN')
  while dealer_cards_total < 20:
    dealer_cards_total = sum(dealer_cards)


  • get_move always returns 'hit', so the break can never run. This is caused by a logic error.

    You need to change the following lines:

    if move == 'h' or 'Hit':
    elif move == 's' or 'Stand':

    Now to the right of "or" is a non-empty string so these if's will always be True.

    Instead you need:

    if move == 'h' or move == 'Hit':
    elif move == 's' or move == 'Stand':

    This will actually test of move is equal to either string separately as you intended. Furthermore, you could also use this convention if you would like:

    if move in ['h', 'Hit']:
    elif move in ['s', 'Stand']: