I'm correctly generating my image Yocto-hardknott-technexion with this:
$ mkdir tn-imx-yocto
$ cd tn-imx-yocto
$ repo init -u https://github.com/TechNexion/tn-imx-yocto-manifest.git -b hardknott_5.10.y-next -m imx-5.10.52-2.1.0.xml
$ repo sync -j8
$ DISTRO=fsl-imx-x11 MACHINE=pico-imx7 BASEBOARD=pi source tn-setup-release.sh -b build-x11-pico-imx7
$ bitbake core-image-base
Then, I go to .../tn-imx-yocto/sources/meta-tn-imx-bsp/conf/machine/nano pico-imx7.conf And enable the imx7d-pico-pi-m4.dtb (KERNEL_DEVICETREE_append = " imx7d-pico-pi-m4.dtb"). Because I stay trying RPMsg with FreeRTOS in m4
#@TYPE: Machine
#@NAME: pico-imx7
#@SOC: i.MX7/Solo/Dual/UtraLowPower
#@DESCRIPTION: Machine configuration for PICO-IMX7 with QCA(Qualcomm)/BRCM(Broadcom) WLAN module
#@MAINTAINER: Po Cheng <po.cheng@technexion.com>
include conf/machine/include/imx-base.inc
include conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa7.inc
require conf/machine/tn-base.inc
# Kernel Device Trees
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "linux-tn-imx"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel_mx7 = "linux-tn-imx"
KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "imx7d-pico-pi-qca.dtb"
# imx7d-pico-pi-m4.dtb \
KERNEL_DEVICETREE_append = " imx7d-pico-pi-m4.dtb"
# imx7d-pico-pi.dtb \
# imx7d-pico-pi-c2-qca.dtb imx7d-pico-pi-c2.dtb \
# imx7d-pico-nymph-qca.dtb imx7d-pico-nymph.dtb \
# imx7d-pico-dwarf-qca.dtb imx7d-pico-dwarf.dtb \
# imx7d-pico-hobbit-qca.dtb imx7d-pico-hobbit.dtb \
# Setup the additional devicetree file
#KERNEL_DEVICETREE_append_voicehat = " imx7d-pico-pi-qca-voicehat.dtb \
# imx7d-pico-pi-voicehat.dtb \
# imx7d-pico-pi-c2-qca-voicehat.dtb \
# imx7d-pico-pi-c2-voicehat.dtb "
# Bootloader Specifics
UBOOT_MACHINE = "pico-imx7d_spl_defconfig"
#M4_MACHINE = "pico-imx7d-pi"
#IMAGE_BOOTFILES_DEPENDS += "imx-m4-demos-tn:do_deploy"
#IMAGE_BOOTFILES += "hello_world.bin rpmsg_lite_pingpong_rtos_linux_remote.bin rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos_imxcm4.bin"
And (after that) I get the issue: Unable to parse input tree (syntax error) in file baseboard_pico_pi.dtsi line 52 (photo below) I don't see anything wrong with line 52 of the baseboard_pico_pi.dtsi file: PICO_PI_GPIO_DEFS();
imx7d-pico-qca.dtsi about PICO_PI_GPIO_DEFS()
&gpio2 { \
gpio-line-names = \
"", "", "GPIO_P28", "GPIO_P30", "GPIO_P32", "GPIO_P34", "", "", \
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", \
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", \
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""; \
pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_gpio2>; \
#define PICO_PI_GPIO_DEFS() \
&gpio2 { \
gpio-line-names = \
"GPIO_P24", "GPIO_P26", "GPIO_P28", "GPIO_P30", "", "GPIO_P34", "", "GPIO_P48", \
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", \
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", \
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""; \
pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_gpio2>; \
clocks {
codec_osc: aud_mclk {
compatible = "fixed-clock";
#clock-cells = <0>;
clock-frequency = <24576000>;
PICO_PI_GPIO_DEFS(); // line 52
status = "okay";
codec: sgtl5000@a {
compatible = "fsl,sgtl5000";
reg = <0x0a>;
clocks = <&codec_osc>;
VDDA-supply = <®_2p5v>;
All device tree files referring to this issue are at this link: https://github.com/neuberfran/technexion2
How can I solve this? (pls)
The solution was to change imx7d-pico-pi-m4.dtb to imx7d-pico-pi-qca-m4.dtb in the Yocto/Hardknott/technexion configuration file called pico-imx7.conf(described in the post)