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Custom date format in KQL

I would like to know if there is a possibility to customize the format of a specific datetime in KQL.

For example I have the following code:

let value = format_datetime(datetime(07:30:00), "HH:mm");
print value

As a result we obtain 07:30

My question here is that instead of having 07:30, is there a possibility to format it in a way to have a value = 7hr 30m


  • based on if your input is a datetime or a timespan value, you can try either of the following options (using some string manipulation):

    print ts = timespan(07:30:00)
    | project output = strcat(toint(ts/1h), "hr ", toint(ts/1m)%60, "min")
    print dt = datetime(2021-02-16 07:30:00)
    | project output = strcat(datetime_part("hour", dt), "hr ", datetime_part("minute", dt), "min")