I have been struggling with a basic beeswarm plot from page 62 in this doc. I imagine they are skipping some details, and I'm not sure what actual data they used. I think in particular the problem is mapping a categorical/string variable to an X-axis value.
I used this data:
A 1
A 2
A 3
B 4
B 5
B 6
With this script:
set terminal png
set output "graph.png"
set jitter
plot "data.csv" using 1:2:1 with points lc variable
I get this error:
"graph_script" line 4: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
plot "data.csv" using 1:2:1 with points lc variable
"graph_script" line 4: x range is invalid
In their demos gallery, I see something like set xtics ("A" -1, "B" 0)
which could maybe help me to label already-numeric data better, but what if my data doesn't start off numeric to begin with?
Do I need something like (hash_string_to_large_int($1) % 2)
? There must be an easier way!
As mentioned in the comments you have to "convert" your keys into numbers in order to plot them. You can do this by creating a list with your unique keywords and defining a function to get the indices.
Maybe there is (and I am not aware) a simpler solution with gnuplot only.
### bee-swarm plot with string keys
reset session
# create some random test data
myExts = '.py .sh .html'
set print $Data
do for [i=1:100] {
print sprintf("%s %d",word(myExts,int(rand(0)*3)+1),int(rand(0)*10+1)*5)
set print
# create a unique list of strings from a data stringcolumn
Uniques = ''
addToList(list,col) = list.( strstrt(list,'"'.strcol(col).'"') > 0 ? '' : ' "'.strcol(col).'"')
stats $Data u (Uniques = addToList(Uniques,1),0) nooutput
getIdx(key) = (_idx=NaN, sum [_i=1:words(Uniques)] (word(Uniques,_i) eq key ? _idx=_i : 0), _idx)
set offsets 0.5,0.5,1,1
set key noautotitle
set multiplot layout 1,2
set title "No jitter"
plot $Data u (idx=getIdx(strcol(1))):2:(idx):xtic(word(Uniques,idx)) w points pt 7 lc var
set title "With jitter"
set jitter
unset multiplot
### end of code