I am brand new to Python in general and have a limited but aged knowledge of Javascript. I am trying to accomplish a small project using Python, but I have gotten stuck with my own comprehension.
I have a GPS coordinate in decimal degrees as a starting point (30.456025341663068, -86.41408883615411), a distance in feet (86 feet) from the start point to the expected endpoint and I have a bearing in degrees (0 to 360) from start point to endpoint. Given these values, I am attempting to simply return the GPS coordinate in decimal degrees of the endpoint.
I found one StackExchange post that appears to give me a viable option using GeoPy, but I'm simply getting lost in trying to implement it. Can someone assist with how to accomplish this? GeoPy is not a requirement for me, I just imported it based on the answer in the other StackExchange question:
calculating a gps coordinate given a point, bearing and distance
Perhaps you could do something like this:
import geopy
import geopy.distance
lat = 30.456025341663068
lon = -86.41408883615411
distance_ft = 86
bearing = 0
start_point = geopy.Point(lat, lon)
end_point = geopy.distance.geodesic(feet=distance_ft).destination(start_point, bearing)
print(end_point.latitude, end_point.longitude)
This should output something like:
30.456261790886277 -86.41408883615411
You can then also use the geodesic method to calculate the distance between the points:
print(geopy.distance.geodesic(start_point, end_point).feet)
And get something like: