I'm new to VBA and any help would be greatly appreciated!!
My office is coordinating applications for positions across the US. When people apply, they pick which two states they would be willing to work in. All application information is manually entered into Worksheet A, which has a lot of columns, but 5 important ones: Unique ID, First Name, Last Name, Preferred State1, Preferred State2. This worksheet gets updated daily.
I have 50 worksheets (one for each state in the US). I wrote VBA code to copy each row from Spreadsheet A into the 50 state worksheets when the state worksheet is created.
I need to copy the new information that is added to Spreadsheet A every day into the appropriate state spreadsheets. All applicants who picked a state need to go into the state worksheet (the state order of preference doesn't matter).
For example, today, Spreadsheet A could be:
ID | First Name | Last Name | State1 | State2 |
111 | Bob | Belcher | New Jersey | Alaska |
222 | Rose | Nylund | Minnesota | Florida |
333 | Beef | Tobin | Alaska | California |
So the Alaska spreadsheet would have:
ID | First Name | Last Name |
111 | Bob | Belcher |
333 | Beef | Tobin |
Tomorrow, Worksheet A could have new people added (IDs 444 and 555) and I would only want to add the new people who picked Alaska to the Alaska worksheet (ID 555 Colin Robinson).
ID | First Name | Last Name | State1 | State2 |
111 | Bob | Belcher | New Jersey | Alaska |
222 | Rose | Nylund | Minnesota | Florida |
333 | Beef | Tobin | Alaska | California |
444 | Charlie | Bucket | New York | Florida |
555 | Colin | Robinson | New York | Alaska |
I was using this code based on unique IDs in Column A, but it doesn't account for the different states.
Sub Copy ()
Dim sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As Worksheet, lr As Long, rng As Range
Set sh1 = Sheet4
Set sh2 = Sheet1
lr = sh1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = sh1.Range("B2:B" & lr)
For Each c In rng
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(sh2.Range("B:B"), c.Value) = 0 Then
sh2.Range("B" & sh2.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)(2).Resize(1, 5) = c.Resize(1, 5).Value
End If
End Sub
) flag column which will contain "Yes"
) in each row that was transferred. The code is just looking for any content, so you can use whatever value you like.Option Explicit
Sub ExportByCountry()
' Source
Const sName As String = "A" ' Worksheet Name
Const slrCol As Long = 1 ' Last Row Column
Const sfrCol As Long = 6 ' Flag Column
Const sFlag As String = "Yes"
Dim stCols As Variant: stCols = VBA.Array(1, 2, 3) ' Transfer Columns
Dim scCols As Variant: scCols = VBA.Array(4, 5) ' Country Columns
' Destination
Const dfCol As Long = 1 ' First Column
Const dfRow As Long = 1 ' First Row
' Workbook
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Worksheets(sName)
Dim stUpper As Long: stUpper = UBound(stCols)
Dim scUpper As Long: scUpper = UBound(scCols)
Dim dtCount As Long: dtCount = stUpper + 1
Dim dHeaders As Variant: ReDim dHeaders(0 To stUpper)
Dim srg As Range
Dim srCount As Long
Dim dt As Long
With sws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion ' (with headers)
' Write headers to an array.
For dt = 0 To stUpper
dHeaders(dt) = .Cells(dt + 1).Value
Next dt
srCount = .Rows.Count
' Reference the source data range (no headers)
Set srg = .Resize(srCount - 1).Offset(1)
End With
Dim sfCell As Range
' Reference the first available cell in the flag column ('sfCell').
With srg.Columns(sfrCol)
Set sfCell = .Find("*", , xlFormulas, , , xlPrevious)
If sfCell Is Nothing Then
Set sfCell = .Cells(1)
ElseIf sfCell.Row = srCount Then
MsgBox "Data already transferred.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
Set sfCell = sfCell.Offset(1)
End If
End With
' Reference the not flagged range ('srg').
Set srg = srg.Resize(srCount - sfCell.Row + 1).Offset(sfCell.Row - 2)
srCount = srg.Rows.Count
' Write the range to the source array ('sData').
Dim sData As Variant: sData = srg.Value
Dim dtData As Variant: ReDim dtData(0 To stUpper) ' Transfer Data Array
Dim dws As Worksheet
Dim drrg As Range ' Destination Row Range
Dim sr As Long ' Source Row Counter
Dim sc As Long ' Source Country Column Counter
For sr = 1 To srCount
For sc = 0 To scUpper
' Attempt to create a reference to the destination worksheet.
On Error Resume Next
Set dws = wb.Worksheets(sData(sr, scCols(sc)))
On Error GoTo 0
If dws Is Nothing Then ' worksheet doesn't exist
' Add a new worksheet, rename it and write the headers.
Set dws = wb.Worksheets.Add(After:=wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count))
dws.Name = sData(sr, scCols(sc))
dws.Cells(dfRow, dfCol).Resize(, dtCount).Value = dHeaders
'Else ' worksheet exists; do nothing
End If
' Write the values from the row ('sr') of the source array
' to the transfer data array.
For dt = 0 To stUpper
dtData(dt) = sData(sr, stCols(dt))
Next dt
' Reference the first 'available' destination row range.
With dws.Columns(dfCol)
Set drrg = .Find("*", , xlFormulas, , , xlPrevious) _
.Offset(1).Resize(, dtCount)
End With
' Write the values from the transfer data array
' to the destinaton row range.
drrg.Value = dtData
Set dws = Nothing
Next sc
' Write the flag.
srg.Cells(sr, sfrCol).Value = sFlag
Next sr
MsgBox "Data transferred.", vbInformation
End Sub