I'm struggling to find a way to execute a procedure that has a SYS_REFCURSOR I found different ways and it appears is easier in sqlplus but I wanted to do it through a query in sqldeveloper
The query takes 3 parameters and has a 4th that is a SYS_REFCURSOR
procedure_example(var1 number,var2 varchar2,var3 varchar2,result out sys_refcursor)
How would I execute something like this in SQLDEVELOPER?
As this is a procedure with an OUT
parameter, you'll have to use another PL/SQL block which has DECLARE
section (so that you'd have "something" to accept what your procedure returns).
l_rc sys_refcursor;
procedure_example(var1 => 1,
var2 => 2,
var3 => 3,
result => l_rc);
(You'd pass meaningful values to IN
parameters, of course.)
Another option is to declare a variable, use it while executing the procedure and print its contents. For example (based on Scott's sample schema):