We have a formatting issue with logs forwarded through fluentd. The issue is that backslash is getting added preceding all double quotes.
Example -
2022-02-14T10:17:46+13:00 myapp {"log":"{\"name\":\"contents\",\"hostname\":\"vcr-amyapp1-yyut-4uh57vb-rr73g\",\"pid\":876265,\"level\":20,\"req_id\":\"1644787066643:vcr-myapp1-03-e263f-v4.0.5:876265:kwljxg59:30317\",\"data\":{\"method\":\"get\",\"url\":\"/api/content/heartbeat\",\"agent\":\"Go-http-client/1.1\"},\"msg\":\"\",\"time\":\"2022-02-13T21:17:46.644Z\",\"v\":0}","container_name":"vcr-myapp1-03-e263f"}
The backslashes are invalidating everything within the log json field. That is, it treats the log field as a string instead of json. We need fields within log json field to also be valid json.
What should be changed within fluentd to not add backslashes? I've spent a week now digging into this & still not able to find anything helpful.
I would truly appreciate any help please.
Current fluentd config file below -
workers 1
@type forward
@id input1
@label @mainstream
port 24224
# Used for docker health check: healthcheck http://localhost:5000/healthcheck?json=%7B%22log%22%3A+%22health+check%22%7D
# The query parameter in the URL defines a URL-encoded JSON object that looks like this:
# {"log": "health check"}
# The container health check inputs a log message of “health check”. While the query parameter in the URL defines the log message, the path, which is /healthcheck, sets the tag for the log message. In Fluentd, log messages are tagged, which allows them to be routed to different destinations.
@type http
port 5000
# records sent for health checking won't be forwarded anywhere
<match health*>
@type null
<label @mainstream>
<filter **>
@type record_modifier
remove_keys container_id,source
<match **>
@type copy
@type file
@id output1
path /fluentd/log/data.*.log
symlink_path /fluentd/log/data.log
append true
time_slice_format %Y%m%d
time_slice_wait 10m
time_format %Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z
@type elasticsearch
host {{ env "efk__elasticsearch_host" }}
port {{ env "efk__elasticsearch_port" }}
logstash_format true
logstash_prefix fluentd
logstash_dateformat %Y%m%d
include_tag_key true
type_name access_log
tag_key @log_name
flush_interval 1s
{{ if eq (env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_enabled") "true" }}
@type splunk_hec
protocol {{ env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_protocol" }}
hec_host {{ env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_host" }}
hec_port {{ env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_port" }}
{{ if env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_token" | regexMatch "^secret/.*" -}}
hec_token {{ with printf "%s" (env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_token") | secret }}{{ .Data.value }}{{ end }}
{{ else -}}
hec_token {{ env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_token" }}
{{ end }}
sourcetype ${tag}
{{ end }}
Posting the answer in case this helps someone
Had to add a few things to get this to work.
The filter section needed modification as follows
<filter **>
@type record_modifier
remove_keys "container_id,source"
@type parser
key_name log
hash_value_field log
@type json
Complete config below -
workers 1
@type forward
@id input1
@label @mainstream
port 24224
# Used for docker health check: healthcheck http://localhost:5000/healthcheck?json=%7B%22log%22%3A+%22health+check%22%7D
# The query parameter in the URL defines a URL-encoded JSON object that looks like this:
# {"log": "health check"}
# The container health check inputs a log message of “health check”. While the query parameter in the URL defines the log message, the path, which is /healthcheck, sets the tag for the log message. In Fluentd, log messages are tagged, which allows them to be routed to different destinations.
@type http
port 5000
# records sent for health checking won't be forwarded anywhere
<match health*>
@type null
<label @mainstream>
<filter **>
@type record_modifier
remove_keys "container_id,source"
@type parser
key_name log
hash_value_field log
@type json
<match **>
@type copy
@type file
@id output1
path /fluentd/log/data.*.log
symlink_path /fluentd/log/data.log
append true
time_slice_format %Y%m%d
time_slice_wait 10m
time_format %Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z
@type elasticsearch
host {{ env "efk__elasticsearch_host" }}
port {{ env "efk__elasticsearch_port" }}
logstash_format true
logstash_prefix fluentd
logstash_dateformat %Y%m%d
include_tag_key true
type_name access_log
tag_key @log_name
flush_interval 1s
{{ if eq (env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_enabled") "true" }}
@type splunk_hec
protocol {{ env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_protocol" }}
hec_host {{ env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_host" }}
hec_port {{ env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_port" }}
{{ if env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_token" | regexMatch "^secret/.*" -}}
hec_token {{ with printf "%s" (env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_token") | secret }}{{ .Data.value }}{{ end }}
{{ else -}}
hec_token {{ env "efk__fluent_splunk_hec_token" }}
{{ end }}
sourcetype ${tag}
{{ end }}