I want to create an Interactive website, but I have doubts that It won't even run on decent computers.
Summary; I want to create a bird simulation, from top view (Birds don't need to be detailed). People will be able to drag the birds around, and the crowd will follow them, therefore every single bird must calculate something simultaneously. I wanted to make this in a Website so more people could interact with it. But if it's not possible before starting, I want to switch.
Yes, is possible in to build this with phaser.
If you want to see, phaser functions/features in action, I highly recommend checking out the offical phaser examples, they show most function/features in useful and testable examples.
Just go to https://phaser.io/examples, there you can find everything you will need, like drag-events, sprite animation, and many more.
And on the official page you can even find tutorials to get started with the development.
Just stick to Phaser 3, since this is the current and stable Version.