I am reading a .dat file using the following command
accel_x = np.loadtxt('./GroundMotions/GM/%s_%s_%s_%s_x.dat' % (station, realization, soilpro, profile))
where station, realization, soilpro, and profile are all Strings.
Then python throws me an error:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './GroundMotions/GM/Z0XOCS_csz002_C4_WA-DNR-08_14\r_x.dat'
There is an unexpected \r in the error message. How can I avoid this unexpected carriage return?
You could strip it:
accel_x = np.loadtxt('./GroundMotions/GM/%s_%s_%s_%s_x.dat' % (station, realization, soilpro.strip('\r'), profile))
Or to strip all parameters:
'./GroundMotions/GM/%s_%s_%s_%s_x.dat' % tuple(str.strip(s, '\r') for s in (station, realization, soilpro, profile))