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FluentAssertions 6 ObjectGraph compare Enum to String

With FluentAssertions 6 it seems you can longer verify if in a object graph if an Enum is equivalent to a string. Source:

enum MyEnum {

class Source {
   MyEnum Enum { get;set;}

class Expectation {
   string Enum { get;set;}

var source = new Source() { Enum = MyEnum.A };
var expectation = new Expectation() {Enum = "A"};

//With V6 this assertion will fail but in V5 it will pass
expectation.Should().BeEquivalentTo(source, options => options.ComparingEnumsByName());

How can I assert the objects above with FluentAssertions? The behaviour I want is for the assertions to be made on the ToString representation of the enum.

As I side note, I get different behaviour when I swap the expectation with source. Shouldn't they be equivalent?


  • You can define a more relaxed equivalency step to handle string/enum comparisons.

    class RelaxedEnumEquivalencyStep : IEquivalencyStep
        public EquivalencyResult Handle(Comparands comparands, IEquivalencyValidationContext context, IEquivalencyValidator nestedValidator)
            if (comparands.Subject is string subject && comparands.Expectation?.GetType().IsEnum == true)
                    .ForCondition(subject == comparands.Expectation.ToString())
                    .FailWith(() =>
                        decimal? subjectsUnderlyingValue = ExtractDecimal(comparands.Subject);
                        decimal? expectationsUnderlyingValue = ExtractDecimal(comparands.Expectation);
                        string subjectsName = GetDisplayNameForEnumComparison(comparands.Subject, subjectsUnderlyingValue);
                        string expectationName = GetDisplayNameForEnumComparison(comparands.Expectation, expectationsUnderlyingValue);
                        return new FailReason(
                                $"Expected {{context:string}} to be equivalent to {expectationName}{{reason}}, but found {subjectsName}.");
                return EquivalencyResult.AssertionCompleted;
            if (comparands.Subject?.GetType().IsEnum == true && comparands.Expectation is string expectation)
                    .ForCondition(comparands.Subject.ToString() == expectation)
                    .FailWith(() =>
                        decimal? subjectsUnderlyingValue = ExtractDecimal(comparands.Subject);
                        decimal? expectationsUnderlyingValue = ExtractDecimal(comparands.Expectation);
                        string subjectsName = GetDisplayNameForEnumComparison(comparands.Subject, subjectsUnderlyingValue);
                        string expectationName = GetDisplayNameForEnumComparison(comparands.Expectation, expectationsUnderlyingValue);
                        return new FailReason(
                                $"Expected {{context:enum}} to be equivalent to {expectationName}{{reason}}, but found {subjectsName}.");
                return EquivalencyResult.AssertionCompleted;
            return EquivalencyResult.ContinueWithNext;
        private static string GetDisplayNameForEnumComparison(object o, decimal? v)
            if (o is null)
                return "<null>";
            if (v is null)
                return '\"' + o.ToString() + '\"';
            string typePart = o.GetType().Name;
            string namePart = o.ToString().Replace(", ", "|", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            string valuePart = v.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            return $"{typePart}.{namePart} {{{{value: {valuePart}}}}}";
        private static decimal? ExtractDecimal(object o)
            return o?.GetType().IsEnum == true ? Convert.ToDecimal(o, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : null;

    If it's just for a single test

    var source = new Source() { Enum = MyEnum.A };
    var expectation = new Expectation() { Enum = "A" };
    expectation.Should().BeEquivalentTo(source, options => options.Using(new RelaxedEnumEquivalencyStep()));
    source.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectation, options => options.Using(new RelaxedEnumEquivalencyStep()));

    Or if you want this globally you can set this using AssertionOptions.AssertEquivalencyUsing.

    AssertionOptions.AssertEquivalencyUsing(e => e.Using(new RelaxedEnumEquivalencyStep()));
    var source = new Source() { Enum = MyEnum.A };
    var expectation = new Expectation() { Enum = "A" };

    For completeness here are examples of the failure message when MyEnum and string do not match.

    Expected property root.Enum to be equivalent to "B", but found MyEnum.A {value: 0}.
    Expected property source.Enum to be <null>, but found MyEnum.B {value: 1}.
    Expected property root.Enum to be equivalent to MyEnum.A {value: 0}, but found "B".
    Expected property expectation.Enum to be equivalent to MyEnum.B {value: 1}, but found <null>.