I am attempting to plot a data series on xyz axis. I have successfully splotted the data series I want, but cannot get a pleasing orientation and depth to view the graph. When I try to orient the Z axis like that of the example graph, it changes positioning (I am using windows mode on gnuplot). In the process I tend to lose view of my axes and some curves in the data series get eclipsed by others. Any recommendations on how I can improve my graph in progress would be greatly appreciated, thank you Graph in progress Example Graph
p.s. Do not mind the legend, I plan on getting rid of it.
X1 | Y1 | Z1 | X2 | Y2 | Z2 |
0 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 75 | 1 |
500 | 24 | 0 | 500 | 14 | 14 |
X1 | Y1 | Z1| X2| Y2 | Z2
| --- | --- | ---|---| ---| --|
| 0 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 75 | 1|
| 500| 24| 0| 500| 14| 14| 1
0 78.641 0 0 74.725 1 0 72.148 2 0 75.504 3 0 72.244 5 0 72.839 12 1 78.094 0 1 74.499 1 1 72.793 2 1 76.035 3 1 72.25 5 1 72.81 12 2 77.924 0 2 74.969 1 2 72.569 2 2 75.912 3 2 72.311 5 2 72.666 12 3 78.142 0 3 75.283 1 3 71.873 2 3 75.537 3 3 72.649 5 3 73.274 12 4 77.854 0 4 75.441 1 4 72.214 2 4 75.68 3 4 72.393 5 4 73.344 12
If you want to plot your data in such a way (waterfall/fence), you need to have some "suitable" data for this. Otherwise some other representation might be better. Take the following example as starting point. Although, I am not yet fully convinced about the result and perhaps you might experience some surprises with the representation of the plot when you rotate it. The code certainly needs to be adapted to your detailed requirements which are misssing.
### "waterfall/fence" plot
reset session
$Data <<EOD
0 78.641 0 0 74.725 1 0 72.148 2 0 75.504 3 0 72.244 5 0 72.839 12
1 78.094 0 1 74.499 1 1 72.793 2 1 76.035 3 1 72.25 5 1 72.81 12
2 77.924 0 2 74.969 1 2 72.569 2 2 75.912 3 2 72.311 5 2 72.666 12
3 78.142 0 3 75.283 1 3 71.873 2 3 75.537 3 3 72.649 5 3 73.274 12
4 77.854 0 4 75.441 1 4 72.214 2 4 75.68 3 4 72.393 5 4 73.344 12
set style fill transparent solid 0.5
set xyplane at 70
set key noautotitle
set view 66,106
set grid x,y
set xtic 1
set ytics offset 0,-0.5
set zrange [70:80]
splot for [i=1:6] $Data u i*3-2:i*3:i*3-1 w lp pt 7 lc i, \
for [i=1:6] $Data u i*3-2:i*3:i*3-1:(70):i*3-1 w zerrorfill lc i ti sprintf("%d",i)
### end of code