I would like to convert the below macro into a loop so I can enter the start and end date in order to create weekly tables for that date range. Currently I have to run the macro multiple times by entering the start and end dates individually for each week.
%macro tb(start_, end_);
CREATE TABLE tbl_&start_. AS
select a.id,
&start_. as wk,
case when a.id=b.id then 1 else 0 end as flg
from tb1 a left join (select id
from tb1
where cdate <= &start_.
) b
on a.id=b.id
where orderdate <= &end_.
%mend ;
%tb(03JAN2021, 09JAN2021) ;
%tb(10JAN2021, 16JAN2021) ;
%tb(17JAN2021, 23JAN2021) ;
The INTCK and INTNX functions could be helpful for this task. The following generates a dataset with start and end dates for all weeks in the specified time interval.
data weeks;
/* Specify start and end. */
start_date = "01FEB2022"d;
end_date = "28FEB2022"d;
/* Calculate number of weeks. */
num_weeks = intck("week", start_date, end_date);
/* Iterate over weeks. */
do i = 0 to num_weeks - 1;
/* Get the sunday in the week i. */
start_week = intnx("week", start_date, i);
/* Add six days = end of week. */
end_week = intnx("days", start_week, 6);
/* If you need, convert into character. */
start_ = put(start_week, date.);
end_ = put(end_week, date.);
If you want weeks starting at mondays you should use "week.2" instead of "week". You could also do e.g. bi-weekly reports... Just check the documentation for Date and Time intervals.
Now you can run your macro via call execute.
data _null_;
set weeks;
call execute('%nrstr(%do_for_each_week('||start_||', '||end_||'))');