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How to display output in a custom format using Format-Custom, in PowerShell scripting?

Get-CIMInstance -ClassName Win32_Printer | Select-Object Name, @{label="IPAddress";expression={($_.comment | Select-string -Pattern "\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}" -AllMatches).Matches.value}}

The above command gives me the following output:

Name                          IPAddress      
----                          ---------      
Webex Document Loader
OneNote (Desktop)   
Microsoft XPS Document Writer
Microsoft Print to PDF

I'm looking for some cmdlet that can be piped into the above command so that I can customize the output into the following:

Webex Document Loader(, OneNote (Desktop)(, Microsoft XPS Document Writer(, Microsoft Print to PDF(, Fax(

Thanks in advance


  • Since PowerShell Core 7.0 this can be done using Join-String:

    Get-CIMInstance -ClassName Win32_Printer | 
        Select-Object Name, @{label="IPAddress";expression={($_.comment | Select-string -Pattern "\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}" -AllMatches).Matches.value}} |
        Join-String -Property { '{0}({1})' -f $_.Name, $_.IPAddress } -Separator ', '

    The Join-String cmdlet is used to both format and join the input objects into a single string. Parameter -Separator should be self-explanatory. The argument for -Property specifies a calculated property that defines a script block which formats the input object. The format operator -f is used to cleanly produce the desired format. Alternatively it could be done using string interpolation only, e. g. "$($_.Name)($($_.IPAddress))" but I don't like all the parenthesis.

    Alternative solution for PowerShell versions older than 7.0, that don't provide Join-String:

    (Get-CIMInstance -ClassName Win32_Printer | 
        Select-Object Name, @{label="IPAddress";expression={($_.comment | Select-string -Pattern "\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}" -AllMatches).Matches.value}} |
        ForEach-Object {'{0}({1})' -f $_.Name, $_.IPAddress}) -join ', '

    Here the -join operator is used to produce a single one-line string. The grouping operator is used to turn the pipeline into an expression that collects all output into an array that the -join operator can take as its left-hand-side argument.