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ORACLE - Exporting Procedures / Packages to a file

I would like to programmatically export my Procedures / Functions and Packages into individual files (as a backup) and using Oracle 9.2.

The closest solution i found was using DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL , but how do i output the CLOB to a text file, without losing any parts (due to length or indentation) ?

Or maybe do you have other solutions to backup packages or other functions individually (only the one i want, not all of them) ?



  • Trying to get CLOBS (and LONGS) from command line utilities like SQL*Plus always seems to give me formatting/truncation problems. My solution was to write a simple utility in a non- type checking language (Perl) that uses DBMS_METADATA to bring the CLOB back into a string.



    $sthRef = $dbhRef->prepare("select dbms_metadata.get_ddl(?,?) from dual");
    $sthRef->execute('PACKAGE', $thisName);
    while (($thisDDL) = $sthRef->fetchrow()) {
      print $thisDDL;
