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How to use Axon with Vert.X

I have a CQRS/Eventsourcing architecture with 3 microservices. I implemented 2 microservices with vert.x 4 and I implemented CQRS/Eventsourcing without framework to improve my knowledge of this type of architecture. For the third microservice I would like to use AxonIq Framework but I have a problem with Aggregate annotation because it's not avalaible with vert.x but only with Spring. I implemented a Spring microservice using Axon and everything work fine but I would like to know if someone can help me for use vert.x with AxonIq ? If anyone know a workaround for this problem ?



  • Axon Farmework provide something called Configuration API. You can have a look at the Configuration class but for making use of it, you need a Configurer, which will provide you all means of configuring your components!

    On the ref-guide, you also have several examples of how to do the configuration using the API or Srring Boot. Example for Commands can be found here.

    To help a bit more, I can also share a small project I made using Dropwizard and Axon Framework, meaning no Spring was used and all the Configuration was done through the API. You can find it here