I have an Android app that loads a Webview and the webview plays a WebRTC video. However, I noticed that both the android system webview and the normal chrome browser are both unable to gather ice candidates on android 11+ (SDK 30+).
To reproduce: Go to URL: https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/peerconnection/trickle-ice/ and click the "Gather Candidates" button.
On Firefox: You can see a list of candidates
On Chrome: It is unable to find any.
I know that used to work in the past on chrome.
Does anyone know if there is some setting I have to enable now to gather ice candidates in chrome? Is this a bug?
I have noticed this same behavior in Android webview targeting SDK 30 or above. Compiling an app with a webview that targets SDK 29 works, but targeting SKD 30 fails to gather ice candidates in the system webview (which is chrome based).
Hoping someone confirm if this is a bug or if perhaps its device / network specific? Anyone run into this issue and have a workaround?
This is a known issue with Chrome on some Samsung devices with Android 11 and higher. See https://crbug.com/1240237 for more information.
Source: I wrote https://crrev.com/4cf629764739560cc12068e32fc6526b17b7615d