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How to delete celery task logs in flower?

I want to be able to delete tasks in the flower successful/failed tasks...

so my idea is to have a scheduled celery beat to delete tasks older than X amount of hours.

Anyone knows how to achieve this, where are the tasks stored... etc ?

Goal: Set a configuration variable that says number of hours let's say 48 hours of keeping the logs, then autodelete

That serves people mostly in europe with GDPR compliance, and also protects customers' privacy


  • I implemented new APIs for deleting tasks

      None delete_tasks_by_time(int to_timestamp)

    Example: delete tasks older than 48 hours

    import celery
    import os
    import timedelta
    import datetime
    broker = os.environ.get('CELERY_BROKER_URL')
    app = celery.Celery('tasks', broker=broker)
    flower = Flower(capp=app, options=flower_options)
    time_delta = timedelta(hours=48)
    now =
    delete_before_time = now-time_delta

    Then we can a celery beat scheduler, that runs each hour, and delete the tasks

    def clean_up_tasks():
        from import Flower
        time_delta = timedelta(hours=48)
        now =
        delete_before_time = now-time_delta
        flower_options = object()
        flower_options.db = 'flower'
        flower_options.persistent = True
        flower_options.purge_offline_workers = 1
        # note: use env vars better
        flower = Flower(capp=app, options=flower_options)
    def add_periodic(**kwargs):
        app.add_periodic_task(crontab(hour="*", minute=0), clean_up_tasks.s(), name='cleanup-tasks')

    This is especially helpful for people who wants to maintain a good GDPR compliance, as you keep only data for a short time for basically debugging, everything is configurable to taste


    Hopefully the PR gets merged soon!

    Enjoy <3