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Connect to Azure container registry from microk8s

I am trying to pull images from my azure container registry

 sudo microk8s ctr --debug images pull

but I keep getting this error:

ctr: failed to resolve reference "": failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status: 401 Unauthorized

Here's my containerd-template.toml config:

version = 2

    endpoint = ["", ]
    endpoint = ["http://localhost:32000"]
    endpoint = [""]
    username = "redacted"
    password = "redacted"

By adding the username:password to the terminal command I am able to download the image so I am sure user name and password are correct. It looks like the configration from the config file is not being picked up (I did do microk8s stop and microk8s start afer editing the config file)

sudo microk8s ctr --debug images pull -u redacted:redacted


  • In the end I solved it by adding a docker secret and patching the service account to use the pull secret as default

    microk8s kubectl create secret docker-registry acr-token --docker-server=**redacted** --docker-username="**redacted**" --docker-password="**redacted**" --namespace **redacted**
    microk8s kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "acr-token"}]}' --namespace **redacted**