I am trying to find an efficient way to upload a Pandas DataFrame to a MongoDB collection with the following constraints:
If the document is already existing, based on 2 unique document features (namely, 'business_id' and 'document_key'), overwrite
If the document does not exist, based on the same 2 unique document features (namely, 'business_id' and 'document_key'), create one
I tried with:
from pymongo import UpdateOne
{"$and": [
{'business_id': x['business_id']},
{"document_key": x["document_key"]}
{'$setOnInsert': x},
for x in dd.to_dict("records")
result = collection.bulk_write(upserts)
But it does not seem to be updating the document, nor behaving to the overwriting/new document creations policies described above.
How can I perform the insertion in line with the 2 illustrated bullet points?
I suspect you want $set
instead of $setOnInsert
If an update operation with upsert: true results in an insert of a document, then $setOnInsert assigns the specified values to the fields in the document. If the update operation does not result in an insert, $setOnInsert does nothing.
Worked example using $set:
import pandas as pd
from pymongo import MongoClient, UpdateOne
db = MongoClient()['mydatabase']
collection = db['mycollection']
collection.insert_many([{'business_id': x, 'document_key': x, 'Existing': True} for x in range(10)])
df = pd.DataFrame([{'business_id': x, 'document_key': x, 'Updated': True} for x in range(3, 6)])
upserts = [
{'business_id': x['business_id'],
"document_key": x["document_key"]},
{'$set': x},
for x in df.to_dict("records")
result = collection.bulk_write(upserts)
print(f'Matched: {result.matched_count}, Upserted: {result.upserted_count}, Modified: {result.modified_count}')
for document in collection.find({}, {'_id': 0}):
Matched: 3, Upserted: 0, Modified: 3
{'business_id': 0, 'document_key': 0, 'Existing': True}
{'business_id': 1, 'document_key': 1, 'Existing': True}
{'business_id': 2, 'document_key': 2, 'Existing': True}
{'business_id': 3, 'document_key': 3, 'Existing': True, 'Updated': True}
{'business_id': 4, 'document_key': 4, 'Existing': True, 'Updated': True}
{'business_id': 5, 'document_key': 5, 'Existing': True, 'Updated': True}
{'business_id': 6, 'document_key': 6, 'Existing': True}
{'business_id': 7, 'document_key': 7, 'Existing': True}
{'business_id': 8, 'document_key': 8, 'Existing': True}
{'business_id': 9, 'document_key': 9, 'Existing': True}